We offer a comprehensive service specialised in repairing different water treatment equipment.

Submersible equipment:
- Centrifugal pumps.
- Agitators.
- Aerators (Venturi, with radial diffusion or OKI).
Other equipment such as:
- Vertical agitators.
- Pumps (centrifugal, helical screw, pneumatic, peristaltic and self-priming).
- Bar screen systems (scale filters and slurry filters).
- Sludge dewatering equipment (multi disc screw press, centrifuges and filter presses).
- Chemical dosing equipment (membrane or piston pumps).
- Pressurisation equipment.
- Gearmotors.
- Diffuser grills.
- Instruments (flow metres, pH probe, redox probe, turbidity probe, oxygen probe, digital levels and analogue levels).
Full service:
- Telephone advice for the verification of breakdowns and possible remote connection.
- On-site inspection (equipment checks and clearing, if applicable).
- Removal of the equipment if it is damaged.
- Equipment repairs and checks in the workshop (extensive stock of spare parts).
- Installation and start up of repaired equipment.
Strong points:
- Our own workshop.
- Speed in actions.
- Extensive stock of spare parts.
- Option to rent replacement equipment during the repair.
- Mechanical and/or electrical service.
- Crane truck service for the removal and installation of submersible equipment.